Sunday, April 7, 2013

Roles which I play everyday


No matter what a person is in his life whether an artist or a labor, millionaire or a beggar, a brilliant one or a dull s/he always has different roles to play in his life. Similarly, being a human I too have different roles to play in my life which keeps on changing as per asked by my life.
Firstly, I am an obedient, loyal and somewhat a brat son to my parents. In holidays, waking up late in the morning has always been my daily routine since my childhood so it’s obvious that my morning gets started with a loud shout from my mom and sometimes it may be from my dad too. During last holiday, after I woke up with a loud cry from my mom I went for the breakfast which was being waiting for me since my mom made it early in the morning, I warmed it up and had it. After that I sat in front of the TV opened my laptop checked my Facebook updates and took the joy pad and got started playing game. After getting called by my mother, I went in the kitchen and helped her for whatever she asked me to. And then suddenly with the harsh voice I got called from my father too and after checking out my father’s room I got the big scold from his harsh voice saying, “My son I am proud of you. You wake up so early in the morning without saying a word by your mother. I feel really good for that. ”and then I giggled and made my way out of the room making excuse of mailing the assignment to my tutor and I am sure that this made a smile to my father’s face. I made a promise to myself that I surely would wake up early on my next holiday without hearing a word from my parents.
So the next role was with my brother who is really caring for me and understands me much better than anyone else. I am much luckier to have a brother like him. I entered to my brother’s room and had some personal talks with him and I asked some money with him as I had a plan to go out with my friends. Without saying a word he gave me the money that I had wanted and asked me to take care of myself.
Then after a while my friends came to my place called me and picked me up. After then my role got started with my friends for whom I am friendly and understandable. I enjoyed my day with my friends a lot and was one of my memorable days. After then I returned home and the same roles were waiting for me to be played that were with my parents and my bother.

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